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Parent Mentor Recovery Program

The child welfare system has seen recent increases in removals of children from homes where parental substance use disorder (SUD) is a contributing factor, due in part to the depth of the opioid crisis. Some parents with SUD have limited access to treatment and recovery support services, which makes reunification more challenging. Our Parent Recovery Mentor Program provides the support and experience necessary to improve family reunification and SUD recovery outcomes.

What are Parent Recovery Mentors?

  • Through shared understanding, respect, and mutual empowerment, Parent Recovery Mentors help people become and stay engaged in the recovery process and reduce the likelihood of relapse

  • Our Parent Recovery Mentors have experience with both Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and the Child Welfare System

  • Experienced Parent Recovery Mentors receive extensive education in order to assist parents to be reunited with their children

    • 66 hours of initial training

    • Peer-to-Peer Recovery Coach Certification

    • Ongoing Professional Development

    • Weekly Supervision

What do Parent Recovery Mentors do?

  • Parent Recovery Mentors provide parents with resources for recovery by SUD treatment providers and child welfare staff

  • A Parent Recovery Mentor's experience and training equips them to empower others to manage their own recovery while encouraging hope, resilience, and responsibility. More specifically, they provide supportive services that assist parents not only to recovery from substance use disorder, but reunification with their children


This project is supported by the Minnesota Department of Human Services in partnership with Abt Associates and funding from the Administration for Children and Families.

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